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改性蛭石絮凝剂与PFS除磷效果的对比研究 天津科技大学学报 全国核心期刊 201904
渤海昌黎近岸海域水中微生物群落多样性分析 安全与环境学报 全国核心期刊 201910
The effect of bioturbation by polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis on release and distribution of buried hydrocarbon pollutants in coastal muddy sediment Marine Pollution Bulletin SCI收录的论文 201908 SCI 一区
.Electrocoagulation of chromium in tannery wastewater by a composite anode modified with titanium: parametric and kinetic study Deasalination and water treatment SCI收录的论文 201912 SCI 三区
汾河兰村—柴村段河流水位抬升对潜水流场影响的数值模拟研究 水资源开发与管理 普通刊物 202005
汾河兰村—柴村段潜流带水动力特征研究 人民黄河 全国核心期刊 202005
北大港水库无机氮分布规律 南水北调与水利科技(中英文) 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202005
小球藻多糖对南美白对虾血细胞吞噬及免疫相关因子基因表达的影响 饲料研究 全国核心期刊 201911
Solubilities, Densities, and Refractive Indices in the Ternary Systems (LiBO2 + NaBO2 + H2O) and (LiBO2 + KBO2 + H2O) at 298.15 K and 0.1 MPa Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data SCI收录的论文 201907 SCI 三区
Solubility, Density, and Refractive Index in the Ternary System (K2B4O7 + Mg2B6O11 + H2O) at 298.15 K Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry SCI收录的论文 201906 SCI 四区
Effects of Chlorella vulgaris on immuno-related factors and expression of Penaeus vannamei The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture- Bamidgeh SCI收录的论文 201906 SCI 四区
Parametric Subharmonic Instability of the Semidiurnal Internal Tides at the East China Sea Shelf Slope JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY SCI收录的论文 202004 SCI 二区
Acceleration of the Extreme Sea Level Rise Along the Chinese Coast Earth and Space Science SCI收录的论文 201910 SCI 二区
生态因子在黄海绿潮生消过程中的作用 海洋学报 全国核心期刊 201908
氨基改性木屑对水中Cu(Ⅱ)/Cr(Ⅵ)的连续吸附研究 环境污染与防治 全国核心期刊 202004
A norm indexes-based QSPR model for predicting the standard vaporization enthalpy and formation enthalpy of organic compounds Fluid Phase Equilibria SCI收录的论文 202003 SCI 三区
石油烃降解菌对邻苯二酚、苯甲酸钠降解特性的研究 生物技术通报 全国核心期刊 201909
菌藻混合体系去除Cr(VI)的条件优化及Cr(VI)还原酶活性的测定 生物技术通报 全国核心期刊 201909
蛭石类芬顿降解偶氮活性黄X-R染料的研究 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 201906
Application of a composite membrane aerated biofilm with controllable biofilm thickness in nitrogen removal Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology SCI收录的论文 202003 SCI 三区
Effects of Astragalus polysacharin on hemocyte phagocytosis and gene expression of immune related factors in Eriocheir sinensis Aquaculture International SCI收录的论文 202005 SCI 三区
基于用水总量的水-能源-粮食关系解析 南水北调与水利科技(中英文) 全国核心期刊 201908
Kinetics Study of Cd2+ Adsorption on Modified Rice Husks International Core Journal of Engineering 外文期刊和国家一级学刊 202003
Experimental Study on Polyvinyl Alcohol Wastewater Treatment by Electrocoagulation Technology International Core Journal of Engineering 外文期刊和国家一级学刊 202003
Functional trait composition and diversity patterns of marine macrobenthos across the Arctic Bering Sea Ecological Indicators SCI收录的论文 201903 SCI 二区
Effects of glycosaminoglycan from Urechis unicinctus on the P2Y12 receptor signaling pathway in rat platelets. INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL RESEARCH SCI收录的论文 202001 SCI 四区
黄芪多糖和低浓度嗜水气单胞菌对中华绒螯蟹免疫相关因子表达的影响 饲料研究 全国核心期刊 202003
翻转课堂教学模式在海洋科学专业细胞生物学教学中的应用 西部素质教育 普通刊物 201910
中肋骨条藻-裸甲藻-双毛纺锤水蚤营养传递的级联效应 海洋科学 全国核心期刊 202005
臭氧催化氧化技术深度处理印染废水的研究 天津科技大学学报 全国核心期刊 201904
氮限制和海洋酸化对颗石藻 Emiliania huxleyi NIWA1108 生理指标的交互影响 天津科技大学学报 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 201903
Dynamic responses of picophytoplankton to physicochemical variation in the eastern Indian Ocean Ecology and Evolution SCI收录的论文 201903 SCI 三区
河北黄骅近岸海域表层海水重金属污染特征及生态风险评价 安全与环境学报 全国核心期刊 202004
火山岩絮凝剂的制备与絮凝效果研究 水处理技术 全国核心期刊 201904
Solid-liquid Phase Equilibria in the Aqueous System Containing Potassium, Magnesium, and Borate at 308.15 K 盐湖研究 外文期刊和国家一级学刊 201906
拟诺卡氏菌骨架对凡纳滨对虾生长及免疫功能的影响 水产科学 全国核心期刊 201907
Development of EST-SSR markers and genetic diversity analysis among three Artemia species from different geographic populations Crustaceana SCI收录的论文 201907 SCI 四区
滨海新区海绵城市建设的研究与探索 自然科学 普通刊物 201903
Linkage between winter temperatures in the Yellow Sea and atmospheric indices Journal of Ocean University of China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) SCI收录的论文 201904 SCI 四区
海豆芽及其对生物学教学的启示 生物学教学 全国核心期刊 201903
Electrosorptive removal of salt ions from water by membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI): Characterization, Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCI收录的论文 201904 SCI 三区
低温等离子体协同Cu-Mn-Ce-Zr/TiO2催化降解甲苯 燃料化学学报 EI收录论文 201905
Quantitative Proteomic Analysis Reveals Novel Insights into Intracellular Silicate Stress-Responsive Mechanisms in the Diatom Skeletonema dohrnii International Journal of Molecular Sciences SCI收录的论文 201905 SCI 二区
Norm index-based QSPR model for describing the n-octanol/water partition coefficients of organics Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCI收录的论文 202002 SCI 三区
Enhancement of mainstream nitrogen removal via simultaneous partial nitrification, anammox and denitrification by the gel entrapment technique Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology SCI收录的论文 202003 SCI 二区
Archaea Haloferax supplementation improves Artemia biomass production in hypersaline conditions Aquaculture SCI收录的论文 202006 SCI 一区
台湾岛以东黑潮热输运的季节及年际变化特征 海洋科学 全国核心期刊 202002
Denitrification and anammox: Understanding nitrogen loss from Yangtze Estuary to the east China sea (ECS) Environmental Pollution SCI收录的论文 201909 SCI 二区
Distribution, sources and ecological risk assessment of PAHs in surface seawater from coastal Bohai Bay, China Marine Pollution Bulletin SCI收录的论文 201905 SCI 一区
Occurrence and risk evaluation of organophosphorus pesticides in multiphase water bodies of Beijing, China Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCI收录的论文 202008 SCI 三区
pH 对生物质炭吸附诺氟沙星和磺胺甲恶唑的影响 农业资源与环境学报 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202007
Achieving single-stage autotrophic nitrogen removal by composite membrane aerated biofilm with gel under two microbial entrapping patterns: experimental and modeling aspects Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCI收录的论文 202006 SCI 二区
蒙脱石絮凝剂对疏浚底泥的絮凝快速分离 环境工程学报 CSCD来源期刊 202006
氧化铜催化臭氧氧化模拟费托合成废水 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 202004
一株降解PHB 菌株的分离、鉴定及特性 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 202005
盐度对小球藻生长胁迫及氮磷利用影响 环境科学与技术 全国核心期刊 201911
河北昌黎近岸海域浮游动物群落结构及其与环境因子的关系 水生态学杂志 全国核心期刊 202001
一株高产淀粉酶放线菌的筛选鉴定及产酶条件优化 江苏农业科学 普通刊物 201909
基于地统计学和GIS 的湖北省土壤有机质空间变异性研究 江苏农业科学 普通刊物 201908
海洋沉积物中异化铁还原细菌还原重金属 Cr(VI)研究 海洋科学 全国核心期刊 202005
异化铁还原细菌 Klebsiella sp. KB52 还原重金属 环境工程学报 全国核心期刊 201905
基于ABC曲线的天津潮间带生物群落受扰动的分析 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 201910
环渤海地区气溶胶光学厚度数据选取及时空特征分析 环境科学学报 全国核心期刊 202005
黄、东海二甲基硫与环境因子的多元分析及建模 中国环境科学 EI收录论文 201906
渤海和北黄海的溶解氧与营养盐年际变化特征 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 201908
电絮凝法深度处理制革废水的实验研究 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 201912
Electrocoagulation of chromium in tannery wastewater by a composite anode modified with titanium: parametric and kinetic study Desalination and Water Treatment SCI收录的论文 201912 SCI 四区
南海相对涡度的时空变化特征分析 中国海洋大学学报.自然科学版 全国核心期刊 201910
A facilitated synthesis of hierarchically porous Cu-Ce-Zr catalyst using bacterial cellulose for VOCs oxidation Materials Chemistry and Physics SCI收录的论文 201911 SCI 三区
全球气候变化下的海洋颗石藻生理生态学响应研究进展 海洋环境科学 全国核心期刊 202012
马家柚果皮对鲫鱼贮藏期挥发性物质的影响 食品工业科技 全国核心期刊 201909
不同季节使用微生态制剂后养殖海水细菌群落特征 生物技术通报 全国核心期刊 201911
Solid–Liquid Phase Equilibria in the Ternary Systems (LiBO2 + NaBO2 + H2O) and (LiBO2 + KBO2 + H2O) at 288.15 K and 0.1 MPa Journal of Solution Chemistry SCI收录的论文 202003 SCI 四区
Solid−Liquid Phase Equilibria of the Quaternary System (Li2SO4 +Na2SO4 + MgSO4 + H2O) at 288.15 K: Experimental and Model Simulation Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data SCI收录的论文 202005 SCI 三区
ICP-OES同步测定高盐卤水中微量的铷和铯 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 201912
四元体系硼酸锂-硼酸钾-硼酸镁-水在308.15 K 时固液相平衡研究 无机盐工业 全国核心期刊 202005
Single and combined effects of phenanthrene and polystyrene microplastics on oxidative stress of the clam (Mactra veneriformis) Science of the Total Environment SCI收录的论文 202101 SCI 一区
Bioturbation enhances the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons in sediments by bacteria 地球环境科学 SCI收录的论文 202004 SCI 四区
Solubilities, densities, and refractive indices of the ternary system (NaBO2 + KBO2 + H2O) at T = (298.15 and 323.15) K and P = 0.1 MPa Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data SCI收录的论文 202011 SCI 三区
菲和Cd2+单一及复合污染对毛蚶氧化胁迫效应的比较 海洋科学 全国核心期刊 202101
酸改性蛭石连续化絮凝装置的设计与研究 天津科技大学学报 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202006
Effect of carbon and nitrogen ratio control on Artemia growth, water quality, bioflocs microbial diversity in hypersaline zero-water exchange culture condition Journal of Oceanology and Limnology SCI收录的论文 201909 SCI 四区
Norm indexes for predicting enthalpy of vaporization of organic compounds at the boiling point Journal of Molecular Liquids SCI收录的论文 201903 SCI 二区
夏季黄东海硝酸盐垂向扩散通量的分析 海洋与湖沼 全国核心期刊 202011
Remediation of diesel contaminated sediments by worms (Perinereis sp.) bioturbation Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences SCI收录的论文 202101 SCI 四区
基于太阳光度计的天津沿海地区气溶胶特性 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 202008
三元体系硼酸钠-硼酸镁-水和硼酸钾-硼酸镁-水15℃时相平衡研究 化学工程 全国核心期刊 202005
SWAN 模型中不同破碎指标对波浪模拟的影响 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 202008
Bioturbation potential of a macrofaunal community in Bohai Bay, northern China MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN SCI收录的论文 201903 SCI 一区
Production of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Laboratory Cultures of Arctic Sea Ice Algae Water SCI收录的论文 201905 SCI 三区
Effect of Halomonas storage poly-beta-hydroxybutyrates on survival, growth and vibriosis resistance of half-smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis juveniles Aquaculture Research SCI收录的论文 202011 SCI 三区
Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus removal by two species of Chlorella in allelochemical EMA condition 地球环境科学 SCI收录的论文 202004 SCI 四区
Selection and optimization of a protocol for extraction of microplastics from Mactra veneriformis Science of the Total Environment SCI收录的论文 202010 SCI 二区
Effects of multiple drivers of global ocean change on the physiology and functional gene expression of marine coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi Global Change Biology SCI收录的论文 202006 SCI 一区
Seasonal Sinking rates of Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) concentrations with associated Carbon flux in adjacent Bohai Seaand Yellow Sea Biogeosciences Discuss. SCI收录的论文 201903 SCI 二区
Norm Indexes-based QSAR Model for Acute Toxicity of Pesticides towards Rainbow Trout Environmental toxicology and chemistry SCI收录的论文 202002 SCI 三区
渤海湾日晒盐场细菌群落结构和多样性分析 海洋湖沼通报 全国核心期刊 201903
Spatial-temporal dynamics of biogenic silica in the southern Yellow Sea Acta Oceanologica Sinica SCI收录的论文 202001 SCI 二区
新型微电解材料预处理退浆废水研究 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 202004
共聚焦拉曼光谱研究Mg2+和SO42-缔合平衡作用 过程工程学报 全国核心期刊 202009
海洋沉积物中一株铁还原细菌ZQ21异化还原Fe(Ⅲ)性质分析 海洋环境科学 全国核心期刊 201908
基于GOCI数据黄海气溶胶光学厚度反演方法研究 海洋通报 全国核心期刊 202002
新型包埋微生物凝胶吸附、降解水中土霉素的研究 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 201906
Adsorption and biodegradation functions of novel microbial embedding polyvinyl alcohol gel beads modified with cyclodextrin: a case study of benzene ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY SCI收录的论文 201907 SCI 四区
透明胞外聚合颗粒物碳输运新途径 海洋学报 全国核心期刊 201908
春、夏季秦皇岛海域超微型浮游植物 海洋学报 全国核心期刊 202002
基于MODIS数据气溶胶光学厚度特征分析 海洋信息 普通刊物 201905
海洋硅质化超微型浮游植物迅游藻(Bolidophyceae)的分类和生态学研究 海洋通报 全国核心期刊 201910
Intraflagellar transport protein RABL5/IFT22 recruits the BBSome to the basal body through the GTPase ARL6/BBS3 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America SCI收录的论文 202002 SCI 一区
Surface phytoplankton assemblages and controlling factors in the Strait of Malacca and Sunda Shelf Frontiers in Marine Science SCI收录的论文 202002 SCI 二区
Macrobenthic communities on the continental shelf of the Prydz Bay, East Antarctica Acta Oceanologica Sinica SCI收录的论文 202002 SCI 二区
Heterotrophic Bacteria Dominate the Diazotrophic Community in the Eastern Indian Ocean (EIO) during Pre-Southwest Monsoon MICROBIAL ECOLOGY SCI收录的论文 201911 SCI 一区
Diversity and Spatial Distribution of Chromophytic Phytoplankton in the Bay of Bengal Revealed by RuBisCO Genes (rbcL) Frontiers in Microbiology SCI收录的论文 201906 SCI 二区
改性La2O3/聚丙烯纤维对饮用水中磷的吸附及控菌效果 环境工程学报 全国核心期刊 201909
Studies on CuCe0.75Zr0.25Ox preparation using bacterial cellulose and its application in toluene complete oxidation chemistry select SCI收录的论文 201904 SCI 四区
Interannual variability of dimethylsulfide in the Yellow Sea Journal of Oceanology and Limnology SCI收录的论文 202203 SCI 四区
Deciphering response effect and underlying mechanism of anammox-based nitrogen removal process under exposures to different antibiotics via big data analysis 生物资源技术(Bioresource Technology) SCI收录的论文 202205 SCI 一区
Antimicrobial peptides: an overview of their structure, function and mechanism action. Protein & Peptide Letters SCI收录的论文 202208 SCI 四区
汽爆柚皮对南美白对虾的保鲜效果 食品安全质量检测学报 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202204
果胶的结构、提取及应用研究进展 福建技术师范学院学报 普通刊物 202110
基于一卡通数据的大学生早餐就餐现状及建议 科学大众 (卓越期刊) 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202203
Evidence of the Significant Contribution of Heterotrophic Diazotrophs to Nitrogen Fixation in the Eastern Indian Ocean During Pre-Southwest Monsoon Period 生态系统 SCI收录的论文 202110 SCI 二区
天津平原区浅层地下水水化学特征及碳酸盐风化碳汇研究 地学前缘 EI收录论文 202205
Morphology effects of CeO2-ZrO2 on the catalytic performance of CuO/ Carbon Resources Conversion SCI收录的论文 202106 SCI 四区
Deciphering and predicting anammox-based nitrogen removal process under oxytetracycline stress via kinetic modeling and machine learning based on big data analysis Science of The Total Environment SCI收录的论文 202111 SCI 一区
Differential proteomic analysis by iTRAQ reveals the growth mechanism in Pyropia yezoensis mutant Algal Research SCI收录的论文 202110 SCI 二区
Experimental and predictive equilibrium thermodynamics of the aqueous ternary system (LiCl + CaCl2 + H2O) at T=288.15 K Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data SCI收录的论文 202009 SCI 三区
双齿围沙蚕(Perinereis aibuhitensis)的生物扰动作用对沉积物中AVS分布的影响 中国渔业质量与标准 普通刊物 202006
天津大黄堡湿地自然保护区水鸟群落多样性及其生境变化分析 湿地科学 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202104
Effects of glycosaminoglycans from Urechis unicinctus on the P2Y1 receptor pathway and expression of related factors in rat platelets Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences SCI收录的论文 202101 SCI 四区
不同教学方法在“糖代谢”教学中的探讨与应用 生物学通报 普通刊物 202009
Comparison between the skew surge and residual water level along the coastline of China 水文学杂志 SCI收录的论文 202104 SCI 一区
Western Pacific Zooplankton Community along Latitudinal and Equatorial Transects in Autumn 2017 (Northern Hemisphere) diversity SCI收录的论文 202102 SCI 四区
Construction of a high-density genetic linkage map and QTL mapping for sex and growth traits in Artemia franciscana Aquaculture SCI收录的论文 202103 SCI 一区
Effect of polystyrene microplastics and temperature on growth, intestinal histology and immune responses of brine shrimp Artemia franciscana Journal of Oceanology and Limnology SCI收录的论文 202006 SCI 二区
Artemia nauplii enriched with archaea Halorubrum increased survival and challenge tolerance of Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae Aquaculture SCI收录的论文 202010 SCI 一区
Effects of precursor concentration on morphologies of Cu2O micro/nanocrystals and properties of CO self-sustained catalytic combustion Fuel SCI收录的论文 202101 SCI 一区
Effects of glycosaminoglycan from Urechis unicinctus on ADP-induced platelet calcium and membrane glycoprotein expressions in rats Acta haematologica SCI收录的论文 202101 SCI 四区
IOD-ENSO interaction with natural coccolithophore assemblages in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean 海洋学进展 SCI收录的论文 202103 SCI 二区
盐度对凡纳滨对虾血细胞吞噬与免疫相关因子基因表达的影响 水产学杂志 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202102
Benzene-assisted photoionization positive ion mobility spectrometry coupled with a time-resolved introduction for field detecting dimethyl sulfide in seawater analytical methods SCI收录的论文 202009 SCI 三区
Phytoremediation of nutrients and organic carbon from contaminated water by aquatic macrophytes and the physiological response Environmental Technology & Innovation SCI收录的论文 202102 SCI 三区
Seasonal responses of nutrient to hydrology and biology in the southern Yellow Sea Continental Shelf Research SCI收录的论文 202012 SCI 三区
一株不动杆菌降解石油烃的特性及关键烷烃降解基因分析 微生物学通报 全国核心期刊 202010
Solid–liquid phase equilibrium in the quaternary system KCl + KBO2 + K2SO4 + H2O at 298.15 K Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A SCI收录的论文 202104 SCI 四区
Ultrathin nanoflake-assembled hierarchical BiOBr microflower with highly exposed {001} facets for efficient photocatalytic degradation of gaseous ortho-dichlorobenzene Applied Catalysis B: Environmental SCI收录的论文 202008 SCI 一区
An overview of studies on marine macrobenthic community structure and biodiversity in Bohai Sea,China Marine Science Bulletin 外文期刊和国家一级学刊 202005
Fabricating lignin-containing cellulose nanofibrils with unique properties from agricultural residues with assistance of deep eutectic solvents Carbohydrate Polymers SCI收录的论文 202109 SCI 一区
Influence of methodological choices on results of macrofaunal functional feeding diversity and evenness analyses ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS SCI收录的论文 202010 SCI 二区
不同产地卤虫幼体对凡纳滨对虾仔虾生长、肌肉组分和抗胁迫能力的影响 中国水产科学 全国核心期刊 202201
Unraveling the role of salinity in anammox-based nitrogen removal processes via data analysis from the literature and experimental validation Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology SCI收录的论文 202111 SCI 二区
Effect of aeration intensity and aeration pattern on a compact biofilm reactor for rural domestic sewage treatment in China: pollutant removal performance and hydrodynamic behavior Desalination and Water Treatment SCI收录的论文 202108 SCI 四区
Budget of riverine nitrogen over the East China Sea shelf Environmental Pollution SCI收录的论文 202111 SCI 二区
Stable Isotope Tracer Addition Reveals the Trophic Status of Benthic Infauna at an Intertidal Area Adjacent to a Seagrass Bed Frontiers in Marine Science SCI收录的论文 202110 SCI 二区
膨润土对垃圾渗滤液絮凝预处理的强化效果 环境工程学报 全国核心期刊 202105
黑龙江省水资源和能源消耗路径探析 水 力 发 电 普通刊物 202104
Role of hydrocyclone separator on the formation and separation of aerobic granular sludge: evaluating granulation efficiency and simulating hydrodynamic behavior 分离与纯化技术(Separation and Purification Technology) SCI收录的论文 202201 SCI 一区
乌梅提取物对溶藻弧菌的抑制效应与机理研究 微生物学通报 全国核心期刊 202111
Effects of dietary glutamine dipeptide on growth performance, intestinal digestive enzyme activity, and gene expression of related factors in Penaeus vannamei Aquaculture International SCI收录的论文 202108 SCI 三区
The ecological response of natural phytoplankton population and related metabolic rates to future ocean acidification 海洋湖沼学报 SCI收录的论文 202201 SCI 二区
Dynamics of bacterial communities during a seasonal hypoxia at the Bohai Sea: Coupling and response between abundant and rare populations 环境科学学报英文版 SCI收录的论文 202105 SCI 二区
New Estimation of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Sediment Along the Haihe River and Bohai Bay in China: A Comparison Between Single and Successive DNA Extraction Methods 微生物前沿 SCI收录的论文 202109 SCI 二区
Volume properties of the ternary systems (LiCl + LiB5O8 + H2O) and (Li2SO4 + LiB5O8 + H2O) from 283.15 to 363.15 K and 101.325 kPa. Journal of Chemistry Thermodynamics SCI收录的论文 202205
离子迁移谱现场观测渤海和北黄海二甲基硫的研究 海洋学报 全国核心期刊 202201
Ag Deposition on N and B Co-doped TiO2 Nanoparticles: an Avenue for High-Efficiency Photocatalytic Degradation of Dye and Hydrocarbons in Oil-contaminated Wastewater NANO SCI收录的论文 202103 SCI 四区
固定化小球藻产氧及光合速率的研究 生物技术通报 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202103
Solid-liquid phase equilibria in the quaternary system (KCl + MgCl2 + K2B4O7 + MgB4O7 + H2O) at 308.15 K Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry SCI收录的论文 202103 SCI 四区
复合诱食剂对凡纳滨对虾生长性能_消化酶活性与肠道菌群组成的影响 饲料研究 全国核心期刊 202104
Insights into a shift of microbial communities during the start-up of anammox reactor under mainstream and sidestream conditions 脱盐与污水处理 SCI收录的论文 202011 SCI 四区
Characteristics of Eukaryotic Plankton Communities in the Cold Water Masses and Nearshore Waters of the South Yellow diversity SCI收录的论文 202101 SCI 四区
Study of the photodegradation of 2-chlorobenzoic acid by TiO2 and the effects of eutrophicated water on the reaction Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences SCI收录的论文 202101 SCI 三区
Promotion of sulfameter degradation by coupling persulfate and photocatalytic advanced oxidation processes with Fe-doped MOFs Separation and Purification Technology SCI收录的论文 202202 SCI 一区
Norm index-based QSAR models for acute toxicity of organic compounds toward zebrafish embryo Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety SCI收录的论文 202006 SCI 一区
A norm index-based QSPR model to predict the standard absolute entropy of organic compounds in three phase states Fluid Phase Equilibria SCI收录的论文 202009 SCI 二区
Removal of ammonia nitrogen from water by mesoporous carbon nvironmental Science and Pollution Research SCI收录的论文 202010 SCI 三区
Spatial variation in primary production in the eastern Indian Ocean 海洋科学前沿 SCI收录的论文 202112 SCI 二区
天津平原区加油站地下水石油烃污染特征及其生物降解机理研究 地学前缘 EI收录论文 202205
Highly Efficient Removal of Fluorine from Groundwater by Membrane Capacitive Deionization ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE SCI收录的论文 202204 SCI 四区
Organic enrichment induces shifts in the trophic position of infauna in a subtropical benthic food web, Hong Kong Frontiers in Marine Science SCI收录的论文 202206 SCI 二区
Vertical Biogeography and Realized Niche Traits of Living Coccolithophore Community in the Eastern Indian Ocean 地球物理学研究杂志:生物地球科学 SCI收录的论文 202108 SCI 二区
基于校园一卡通消费的学生性格分析 科学大众 (卓越期刊) 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202205
The potential distribution of adult Antarctic krill in the Amundsen Sea 海洋与湖沼学杂志 SCI收录的论文 202204 SCI 二区
Massive presence of intact microalgal cells in the deep ocean near 5°N of the eastern Indian Ocean 海洋生物学 SCI收录的论文 202207 SCI 二区
Predicted changes in the distribution of Antarctic krill in the Cosmonaut Sea under future climate change scenarios 生态指标 SCI收录的论文 202209 SCI 二区
Solubilities, Densities, and Refractive Indices of the Quaternary System (NaCl + NaBO2 + KCl + KBO2 + H2O) at 288.15 K Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry SCI收录的论文 202212 SCI 四区
Impact of and recovery from seabed trawling in soft-bottom benthic communities under natural disturbance of summer hypoxia: A case study in subtropical Hong Kong Frontiers in Marine Science SCI收录的论文 202210 SCI 二区
Variations and Environmental Controls of Primary Productivity in the Amundsen Sea 海洋科学前沿 SCI收录的论文 202205 SCI 二区
Biological calcification rate and species‐specific contributions of coccolithophores to total calcite inventory in the eastern Indian Ocean Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences SCI收录的论文 201911 SCI 二区
Remediation of Diesel Containmated Sediments by Worms (Perinereis aibuhitensis) Bioturbation INDIAN JOURNAL OF GEO-MARINE SCIENCES SCI收录的论文 202101 SCI 四区
Catalytic oxidation of high-concentration CO over La0.9M0.1CoO3 (M = Ce, Sr) facilely promoted New J. Chem. SCI收录的论文 202110 SCI 三区
Hetero-aggregation of goethite and ferrihydrite nanoparticles controlled Science of the Total Environment SCI收录的论文 202010 SCI 二区
投喂盐富饶菌Haloferax YC-6强化卤虫对凡纳滨对虾生长和抗逆能力的影响 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 202112
Distribution characteristics of green tide and its impact on environment in the Yellow Sea Marine Environmental Research SCI收录的论文 202211 SCI 二区
硅藻硅酸盐转运子(silicate transporter, SIT)研究进展 海洋科学 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202005
Contraction and warming of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Amundsen Sea Acta Oceanologica Sinica SCI收录的论文 202204 SCI 二区
Membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI) for removal of chromium complexes with AC@SiO 2 -NH 2 electrode Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering SCI收录的论文 202207 SCI 二区
Application of biofloc technology in recirculation Artemia culture system 海洋与湖沼学报(英文) SCI收录的论文 202204 SCI 二区
Antibacterial activity and mechanism of the gallnut water extract against Vibrio parahaemolyticus Journal of Aquatic Animal Health SCI收录的论文 202204 SCI 四区
中国海洋生物研究70年 海洋学报 全国核心期刊 201910
Evaluating the properties of ionic liquid at variable temperatures and pressures by quantitative structure−property relationship (QSPR) Chemical Engineering Science 化学工程科学 SCI收录的论文 202112 SCI 二区
Effects of typhoon Roke and Haitang on phytoplankton community structure in northeastern South China sea Ecosystem Health and Sustainability SCI收录的论文 201909 SCI 二区
海洋石油烃降解菌的固定化及其石油降解性能研究 环境污染与防治 全国核心期刊 202106
Deciphering performance and potential mechanism of anammox-based nitrogen removal process responding to nanoparticulate and ionic forms of different heavy metals through big data analysis 分离与净化技术Separation and Purification Technology SCI收录的论文 202211 SCI 一区
环境老化对轮胎磨损颗粒内源重金属释放的影响 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 202204
Variation in biogenic calcite production by coccolithophores across mesoscale eddies in the Bay of Bengal 海洋污染公告 SCI收录的论文 202205 SCI 二区
Heterogeneous Activation of Persulfate by CuMgAl Layered Double Oxide for Catalytic Degradation of Sulfameter Green Energy & Environment SCI收录的论文 202112 SCI 一区
CuO nanosheets incorporated scrap steel slag coupled with persulfate Environmental Research SCI收录的论文 202210 SCI 一区
Piwi基因参与两性卤虫(Artemia franciscana)的生殖调控研究 海洋与湖沼 全国核心期刊 202111
塔尔油对富营养化水体混合藻液的抑制效果研究 天津造纸 二类核心期刊 202206
哈萨克斯坦和俄罗斯主要盐湖卤虫卵生物学和营养学特性研究 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 202006
不同产地卤虫幼体对云龙石斑鱼幼苗生长和抗胁迫能力的影响 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 202204
生物扰动影响沉积物理化特征的研究进展 海洋湖沼通报 全国核心期刊 202204
Insight into Greenhouse Gases Emissions and Energy Consumption of Different Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment Plants via ECAM Tool International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI收录的论文 202210 SCI 三区
三种DNA条形码对卤虫分类和进化的比较研究 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 202202
Non-equilibrium plasma enhanced oxygen vacancies of CuO/CeO2 nanorod Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering SCI收录的论文 202205 SCI 二区
Solubilities, Densities, Refractive Indices, and pH Values of the Quaternary System (NaCl + NaBO2 + Na2SO4 + H2O) at 308.15 K Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A SCI收录的论文 202104 SCI 四区
Archaea Haloferax Supplementation Improves Artemia Biomass Production in Hypersaline Aquaculture SCI收录的论文 202005
基于Cu-Ce复合氧化物的低浓度CH4催化燃烧性能及微观机理研究 洁净煤技术 一类核心期刊 202108
Novel One-Pot Solvothermal Synthesis of High-Performance Copper Hexacyanoferrate for Cs+ Removal from Wastewater Journal of Chemistry SCI收录的论文 202109 SCI 四区
Study on the seasonal variations of dimethyl sulfide, its precursors and their impact factors in the Bohai Sea and North Yellow Sea Frontiers in Marine Science SCI收录的论文 202209 SCI 一区
Phase equilibria and thermodynamic model of the quinary system (Li+,Na+Mg2+//Cl-, SO42-H2O) at 273.15 K and 0.1 MPa Journal of Molecular Liquids SCI收录的论文 202106 SCI 二区
Adsorption properties and influencing factors of Cu(II) on polystyrene and polyethylene Science of The Total Environment SCI收录的论文 202203 SCI 一区
基于FVCOM模型的天津入海排污口污染物扩散模拟 海洋信息技术与应用 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202111
Effect of dietary complex Chinese herbal medicine on growth performance, digestive enzyme activities in tissues and expression of genes involved in the digestive enzymes and antioxidant enzymes and bacterial challenge in Litopenaeus vannamei Aquaculture Research SCI收录的论文 202109 SCI 三区
Solubilities, densities, and refractive indices of the quaternary system (KCl + MgCl2 + K2B4O7 + MgB4O7 + H2O) Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A SCI收录的论文 202112 SCI 四区
基于转录组测序的卤虫卵生和卵胎生相关基因表达研究 水生生物学报 全国核心期刊 202207
三氯生在水生生态系统中的污染现状及其生物毒性效应 生态毒理学报 全国核心期刊 201912
Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (FRRF) Derived Phytoplankton Primary Productivity in the Bay of Bengal Frontiers in Microbiology SCI收录的论文 201905 SCI 一区
Root Uptake Pathways and Cell Wall Accumulation Mechanisms of Organophosphate Esters in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry SCI收录的论文 202209 SCI 一区
基于CALIPSO数据的沿海区域气溶胶光学特性时空特征 地球科学与环境学报 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202111
河北昌黎海域大型底栖动物群落特征及青岛文昌鱼资源现状 生态与农村环境学报 全国核心期刊 201908
Phase equilibria in Li+, K+//Cl-, SO42-–H2O reciprocal system 288.15 K Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry SCI收录的论文 202106 SCI 四区
The complete mitochondrial genome of Artemia persimilis Piccinelli and Prosdocimi, 1968 (Crustacea: Anostraca) Mitochondrial DNA Part B SCI收录的论文 202203 SCI 四区
. Growth performance, antioxidant response, biodegradation and transcriptome analysis of Chlorella pyrenoidosa after nonylphenol exposure Science of the Total Environment SCI收录的论文 202109 SCI 一区
渤海中部溶解氧浓度年际变化特征分析 天津科技大学学报 中文核心期刊(非CSSCI期刊) 202210
Dietary supplementation of archaeal carotenoids improved Aquaculture Research SCI收录的论文 202210
Solid–liquid phase equilibria of the quaternary system Na+, Mg2+//Cl–, B4O72- –H2O at 298.15 K Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry SCI收录的论文 202204 SCI 四区
Species and functional diversity of marine macrobenthic community and benthic habitat quality assessment in semi-enclosed waters upon recovering from eutrophication, Bohai Bay, China Marine Pollution Bulletin SCI收录的论文 202208 SCI 三区
基于典型站位AERONET数据气溶胶类型分析 环境科学学报 CSCD来源期刊 202110
Insights into function of hydrocyclone separator and modified volcanic rock coagulant on formation of aerobic granular sludge Water and Environment Journal SCI收录的论文 202208 SCI 四区
2019年夏季昌黎黄金海岸国家级自然保护区浮游植物结构特征及其环境影响因素 天津科技大学学报 CSCD来源期刊 202102
不同pH 条件下胶体对石油烃迁移转化的影响研究 环境科学与技术 全国核心期刊 202211
Zooplankton Community Structure in Changli Near Shore Area of Hebei Province, China Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences SCI收录的论文 202204 SCI 三区
Comparison and Optimization of Continuous Flow Reactors for Aerobic Granule Sludge Cultivation from the Perspective of Hydrodynamic Behavior International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SCI收录的论文 202207 SCI 三区
Impact of heavy metals (cadmium and copper) stress on the bioturbation potential of polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis (family Nereididae) MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH SCI收录的论文 202205 SCI 一区
Acute toxic effects of thiamethoxam on Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis Environmental Science and Pollution Research SCI收录的论文 202204 SCI 三区
. Synergetic effects of microbial-phytoremediation reshape microbial communities and improve degradation of petroleum contaminants Journal of Hazardous Materials SCI收录的论文 202202 SCI 一区
基于WebGIS天津沿海排污口监测预警系统的设计与实现 天津科技大学学报 全国核心期刊 202108
鄱阳湖物理生境特征及其对鱼类群落结构的影响 水生态学杂志 全国核心期刊 202109
天津市地方饮用水安全保障标准体系研究 中国给水排水 CSCD来源期刊 202205
雨生红球藻虾青素积累条件优化研究 食品研究与开发 全国核心期刊 202108
Solid–liquid phase equilibria in the quaternary system containing lithium, magnesium, chloride, and borate at 298.15 K Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A SCI收录的论文 202110 SCI 四区
Multivariate analysis of phytoplankton community structure in Changli Gold Coast National Nature Reserve of Hebei Province in Spring Earth and Environmental Science SCI收录的论文 202004 SCI 四区
围填海对渤海湾水动力环境的影响 天津科技大学学报 普通刊物 202206
Extensive data analysis and kinetic modelling of dosage and temperature dependent role of graphene oxides on anammox Chemosphere SCI收录的论文 202212 SCI 二区
Effects of Terrestrial Inputs on Mesozooplankton Community Structure in Bohai Bay, China Diversity SCI收录的论文 202205 SCI 三区
Solubilities, densities, refractive indices, and pH values of ternary systems (LiCl + Li2CO3 + H2O) and (Li2SO4 + Li2CO3 + H2O) at 288.15 K Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry SCI收录的论文 202112 SCI 四区
Preparation and Laboratory Testing of Polymeric Scale Inhibitor Colloidal Materials for Oilfield Mineral Scale Control Polymers SCI收录的论文 202210 SCI 二区